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Jag har lagt in ICE1,2 och 3 i min mobiltelefon.
Läs igenom och sprid gärna vidare:
Fick just ett mail i min inbox från USA. Subject: In Case of Emergency (ICE)
Seems like a good idea.
The London incident has promoted concerns and I share with you what one of my European colleagues just sent. As long as everyone knows what ICE stands for, it is not a bad idea. A useful thing to add to your mobileaddress book!
It was thought up by an ambulance paramedic who found thatwhen they went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobilephones but they didn't know which numbers to call and he thought that itwould be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name to file"next of kin" under. Following the disaster in London . . .East AnglianAmbulance Service have launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)"campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston.
The ideais that you store the word " I C E " in your mobile phone Address book,and against it enter the number of the person you would want to becontacted "In Case of Emergency" .
In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next ofkin are and be able to contact them It's so simple that everyone can doit. Please do. Also please will you email this to everybody in youraddress book, it won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody willknow about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one'smind at rest. For more than one contact name ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc.
Jag har lagt in ICE1,2 och 3 i min mobiltelefon.
Läs igenom och sprid gärna vidare:
Fick just ett mail i min inbox från USA. Subject: In Case of Emergency (ICE)
Seems like a good idea.
The London incident has promoted concerns and I share with you what one of my European colleagues just sent. As long as everyone knows what ICE stands for, it is not a bad idea. A useful thing to add to your mobileaddress book!
It was thought up by an ambulance paramedic who found thatwhen they went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobilephones but they didn't know which numbers to call and he thought that itwould be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name to file"next of kin" under. Following the disaster in London . . .East AnglianAmbulance Service have launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)"campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston.
The ideais that you store the word " I C E " in your mobile phone Address book,and against it enter the number of the person you would want to becontacted "In Case of Emergency" .
In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next ofkin are and be able to contact them It's so simple that everyone can doit. Please do. Also please will you email this to everybody in youraddress book, it won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody willknow about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one'smind at rest. For more than one contact name ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc.
At 3:47 em,
The Female Dinousaur said…
Bra idé. Anammar den!
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